Above is the our powerpoint for our presentation. I believe the presentation went as smoothly as it could have with the problems we were having with our email. I do not know if some of our team members tried to contact the rest of us or not but I straight up didn't hear from some of our group members and others I only got some of the emails they apparently sent out. the few in I did make contact to only received some of the emails I received and i also missed some emails they got. Overall i wish our group was smaller so we could work more efficiently. It would be nice to have group members who have similar schedules but i guess you have to work with what you have because that is not always possible.
The CDU are an interesting group and even after researching them there are some aspects of them I do not completely understand. My job on the project was to put together the relationships between the CDU and American parties. However because of the different laws there are different social issues going on in Germany than here, thus it made it hard to find views on the same issues. Predominantly I found that the CDU closest relates to our Republican party. They are slightly right winged conservatives and base their values on christian beliefs. However they do not force others to believe what they do, they believe the choice of religion is best left for the public to decide but do not shy away from stating their beliefs. They also have some liberal view when it comes to freedom of rights but overall they tend to be conservative such as their strong dislike of embryo re-utilization.
Overall I wish we either had more time to work together such as getting our assignment one week early and having some in class time to go over the presentation. I feel that because of our problems of communication I most likely have irritated some of our team members. I did not like the feeling of being between two groups of people one whom desires to take credit for the project because we put the slides together and sifted through alot of information that some of our members merely copied and pasted from websites easily found by a search of CDU through Google. And the other group whom, either was not properly informed of what was expected of them or decided that copying and pasting a wiki-link info is enough. I feel obliged to leen towards the first group because we did spend at least three hours putting together the slide. While others merely requested that someone should make a slideshow, or sent us a paragraph from Wikipedia as if we couldn't Google their subject ourselves. However some other people did attempt to give us what we needed and had obviously done research into their subject. Because their time put into the project I feel as if I was slighted by some members and in return I slighted others. The CDU project overall was interesting and I learned a good deal however it was pretty rough going and ended with in my opinion more distaste for our group members than it should have.
Above is the our powerpoint for our presentation. I believe the presentation went as smoothly as it could have with the problems we were having with our email. I do not know if some of our team members tried to contact the rest of us or not but I straight up didn't hear from some of our group members and others I only got some of the emails they apparently sent out. the few in I did make contact to only received some of the emails I received and i also missed some emails they got. Overall i wish our group was smaller so we could work more efficiently. It would be nice to have group members who have similar schedules but i guess you have to work with what you have because that is not always possible.
The CDU are an interesting group and even after researching them there are some aspects of them I do not completely understand. My job on the project was to put together the relationships between the CDU and American parties. However because of the different laws there are different social issues going on in Germany than here, thus it made it hard to find views on the same issues. Predominantly I found that the CDU closest relates to our Republican party. They are slightly right winged conservatives and base their values on christian beliefs. However they do not force others to believe what they do, they believe the choice of religion is best left for the public to decide but do not shy away from stating their beliefs. They also have some liberal view when it comes to freedom of rights but overall they tend to be conservative such as their strong dislike of embryo re-utilization.
Overall I wish we either had more time to work together such as getting our assignment one week early and having some in class time to go over the presentation. I feel that because of our problems of communication I most likely have irritated some of our team members. I did not like the feeling of being between two groups of people one whom desires to take credit for the project because we put the slides together and sifted through alot of information that some of our members merely copied and pasted from websites easily found by a search of CDU through Google. And the other group whom, either was not properly informed of what was expected of them or decided that copying and pasting a wiki-link info is enough. I feel obliged to leen towards the first group because we did spend at least three hours putting together the slide. While others merely requested that someone should make a slideshow, or sent us a paragraph from Wikipedia as if we couldn't Google their subject ourselves. However some other people did attempt to give us what we needed and had obviously done research into their subject. Because their time put into the project I feel as if I was slighted by some members and in return I slighted others. The CDU project overall was interesting and I learned a good deal however it was pretty rough going and ended with in my opinion more distaste for our group members than it should have.