Monday, December 3, 2012

I really liked the Edukators. It was a movie I would not see on my own like the rest of the movies we watched in class but seemed more believable. I don't not believe the other movies or think that it would never happen, but this movie seems like it could happen pretty easily. I thought of it as a kind of smaller scale version of the meinhoff movie we watched in class. I also liked how they covered most of the options and was very realistic upon the options available. The only thing I did not really like about the movie is that it was fairly predictable. However to be honest I don't think they could make a story like that not predictable, and I wasn't really bothered by it. The ending confused me a bit. Did the older man call the police on them after all?  Or did he give them the heads up or give the police the wrong address. I kind of think he gave them the wrong address but the note makes me think that they just saw it coming ahead of time. I hope to remember this movie when I am older and hold to my ideals. I don't expect to be perfect or change anything, but every little bit helps and if I can stifle some of my natural greed to help someone then at least I can be proud of that if nothing else. I also find it interesting that he did not seem very scared, and that he seemed to almost try to play them. Personally I would have been afraid that if I made them turn on each other or made them angry they would either blame me or take it out on me. I wouldn't classify myself as a rebel or an radical, but this movie tends to put that revolutionary desire into me. I could see how easy it would be as a young adult to be caught up in trying to change the world. I can also relate to their ideals and moral code. However I do recognize that scaring the wealthy will not help in the end.

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