Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Baader-Meinhoff group started at its earliest at a peaceful protest of a diplomat. After violence was used against them and they were not defended by the police they became more and more desperate and began using violence themselves. They began destroying property then eventually put peoples lives at risk setting up bombs populated areas then giving a warning before they go off.
    At first I thought it was kinda cool what they were doing. They were acting within a moral code and getting a response. Then when they started destroying property I began to think well... I don't like that they  are destroying property but I don't really know what these people they are going up against have done. Then when they put civilian lives at risk and bombed placed I could tell they were getting out of hand. If they would have stayed peaceful and didn't destroy anything but instead maybe just caused a scene I believe they would have had a better chance than going all out against the government. I don't believe you will ever change anyone's mind by using force. You may show your commitment and will, maybe even get people to follow your orders but eventually they will rebel. Personally I believe that the only time you should use force is if there is no hope in stopping what needs to be stopped otherwise and it is necessary to stop it. I also think that if they were more open and accepting they would have been better off. By being rude and forceful sometimes even straight up unstable seeming they made people shy away and see them as a more radical and extremist group. Though you may be able to get other extremists I think it is important to stay moderate even if just to keep numbers up. No matter what you believe in it is important to look at the other side. By being radical and you will attract more radicals, and being radical generally means you are not very accepting of other beliefs. Thus by being radical you most likely will not get along with other people, least of all more radical people.

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